![]() | A celebration of National Chemistry Week | ![]() |
Contests and Hands-on Fun for Kids of all Ages | 9:30 - 2:00 | LSC 115 |
Chemistry Demonstrations: | 10:00 - 3:00 | FH & LSC |
Exhibits from Industry, Academia, and Government Agencies | 9:30 - 2:00 | FH & LSC |
Poster Making Contest | 9:30 - 2:00 | FH 129 |
Boy Scout Merit Badge Workshop | 9:30 - 12:00 | Damen Hall |
Featured Presentations:
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Topic |
10:00 AM | Mike Davis | Harold Washington College | Exciting Chemistry Demos |
11:00 AM | Craig Horswill | Gatorade Sports Science Institute | Physiology and Sports Nutrition |
12:15 PM | Sarah Wolek | Stepan Company | Polymers and Sports Equipment |
1:45 PM | Area High School Students & Teachers |
Mike Heinz, Niles West High School, Coordinator | "Chemistry Idol" Finale |
Activities will include: Lectures, Demos, Contests, Prizes, and our world-famous Chemical Magic Show
The program includes:
Glass Blowing Demonstrations and free Blood Pressure Measurements
Scouts: Earn a Scout Merit Badge in Chemistry
Additional resources: |
High School Teacher Demonstrators: Coordinated by Mike Heinz |
Abbott Labs - molecular modeling demonstration |
Sponsored by: The Chicago Section of
the ACS, Phone: (847) 647-8405,
Science Chicago, and Loyola University of Chicago
Updated 10/17/08