Chemistry Week: An annual 1-day (for our section) event to interest local students in chemistry as a career. Serve on committee making plans for the event, as a judge for the educational portion, guide, hospitality table, demonstrator, helper, etc.
Chicago School Board Liaison: Interface with the Chicago School Board to improve chemical education; assist with special teacher programs.
Community Activities:
Development: Solicit funds for annual scholarship awards; work on drive to establish permanent scholarship fund through individual member contributions.
Earth Day: Chemists Celebrate Earth Day.
Education, Elementary: Assist in promoting science education at the pre-high school level.
Education, Middle Grades/Jr. High: Assist Grades 6-9 by providing teaching aids and science-related materials.
Education, High School: Prepare and administer annual scholarship examination; arrange teachers' conference and other programs connected with teaching high school chemistry.
Education, College: Run annual undergraduate student symposium; maintain liaison with ACS Student Affiliates.
Education, Continuing: Determine course and administer annual lecture series.
Election Tellers: Count election ballots on day of annual Section meeting in October.
Employment: Recommend how the Section can provide employment assistance; initiate new programs; advise applicants with job difficulties.
Environment & Lab Safety: Study, correlate, and publicize matters relating to chemical safety.
Gibbs Arrangements: Assist in setting up the Gibbs Award Banquet.
Great Lakes Regional Meeting: Develop a proposal to host a GLRM, then work with the committee to develop and implement the meeting. We only host a GLRM every few years, and then based on our offer to host and National's acceptance of our proposal.
Hospitality: Assist at Section meetings by greeting new members, distributing dinner tickets; initiate programs to improve hospitality; handle special parties.
House: Select suitable restaurants and menus for dinner meetings; distribute dinner tickets, run projection equipment at Section meetings. Assist in maintaining equipment inventory, etc.
Kids & Chemistry: Participate in activities of the ACS's "Outreach" program. Give demonstrations after training.
Long Range Planning: Take the long view of current Section position and how it should change its nature and activities, and develop a strategy to move in the new directions.
Membership: Devise programs for getting new members; advise applicants for membership and investigate qualifications; make recommendations to ACS Admissions Committee.
Minority Affairs: Give support and commitment to the development of an action agenda to stimulate and strengthen the participation of all minorities at all levels in chemistry. Devotes attention to mentoring, encouragement, and the intellectual and professional enhancement of students, teachers, and practicing chemists of all ages and interest levels.
Professional Relations: Suggest and implement new programs to improve status of chemists.
Project SEED: Help find summer positions in science for economically-disadvantaged high school students.
Program: Establish overall program policy; contact speakers; provide hospitality to speakers.
Public Affairs: For all who are concerned about the interrelation between chemistry and chemists, social responsibilities, government, and the environment.
Public Relations: Provide publicity for Section activities.
Speakers Bureau: Volunteer to give nontechnical talks to lay audiences (service church groups, clubs, etc.); audience donation, if any, goes to scholarship fund.
State Fair Committee: Each August we sponsor a booth at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield to promote an interest in chemistry among students and young kids.
Topical Group: Assist in suggesting and developing programs for our topical group sessions before each main meeting.
Trustee: Serve on the committee to guide the Section's investments.
Web Page: Assist in maintaining the Section Web Page.
Women Chemists Committee: Highlight contributions of women in chemistry and promote activities to promote careers of women in chemistry.
Younger Chemists: Encourage recruiting and retention of younger chemists; assist in programming for the interests of younger chemists.
Your Suggestions: How would you like to help? Leave a comment below.