First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail address:
Please select a password to identify yourself in subsequent
logins. No spaces please:
Repeat password to confirm:
ACS Local Section (optional –
you don't have to be an ACS member to help us at the Fair):
Home Phone :
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Please provide us with the name and phone number of an emergency contact, in the infinitesimal chance it is needed while you are at the Fair:
Contact name:
Contact phone number:
Are you young at heart but at least 60 in body? It will help us if we can provide you with a senior-rate admission ticket:
Would you like to register several volunteers under your name,
such as if you are an advisor bringing student volunteers?
(I'm sorry, this function doesn't work with Internet Explorer.)
How many including yourself if you will be with the group you are now registering?

Please enter a positive number, i.e., the number of volunteers with you, including yourself, in the box.
Please enter only one to eight additional volunteers at this time. If you have more than eight volunteers you are bringing with you, that's wonderful! But it would be even more wonderful if they could split into two groups, and each group cover a different timeslot. And could you please register twice, once for each group and then indicate the timeslot for which that group can help. That would help us a lot. Thank you.
If you are registering additional volunteers on this page that are in your group, please enter the number of additional volunteers in the box above (at least one additional volunteerr, and don't forget to count yourself if you will be part of the group).
If you are bringing several people with you, will you have more than one car, and need more than one parking permit?
A parking permit is good all week. How many will you need?
Please enter the volunteers' names if you can, separating names with a comma:
Please indicate all the tasks or jobs you would be willing to
do during your 4-hour time slots on duty:
Supervise the session, and help out wherever needed.
Be a "greeter" at the door. Answer questions, direct
people to
exhibits in the tent.
Perform pre-established science demonstrations for our guests.
Assist the students in performing pre-established "hands-on" experiments.
Be a helper to run errands or fill in as needed.
Thank you for offering to help. Click the "submit" button
below to register this information; then you will be taken to a page
where you can select the time slots for which you can be available. For
questions, see contact information at the bottom of the "Information for Volunteers" page.