![]() |
Awards | Eva Montgomery, eva@cadmiumcd.com |
Chicago School Bd Liaison | Carmen Marquez, drcmarquez@aol.com |
College Education | Tom Higgins, |
Community Activities | Irene Cesa, icesa@flinnsci.com |
Continuing Education | Teri Collins, tcato3@att.net |
High School Education | Mike Dupuis, Tracy Mitchell, tmitchell@loy.org |
Development | Inessa Gorelik-Miller, igorelik22@yahoo.com |
Employment | |
Environmental & Lab Safety | Ken Fivizzani, kfivizzani@wowway.com |
Gibbs Arrangements | Margaret Stowell Levenberg, margyspec@comcast.net |
Hospitality | Richard Cornell, Richardcornell1@juno.com |
House | Frank Jarzembowski, frankjarz@hotmail.com |
Membership Affairs | Inessa Gorelik-Miller, igorelik22@yahoo.com |
Minority Affairs | Charles Cannon, ccannon@popmail.colum.edu |
Pre-Dinner Speakers | Ken Fivizzani, kfivizzani@wowway.com |
Primary School Education | Fran Kravitz, fk1456@sbcglobal.net |
Professional Relations | Barb Moriarty, bmwcats@yahoo.com |
Program | Frank Jarzembowski, frankjarz@hotmail.com Tim Marin, tmarin@ben.edu |
Public Affairs | Barb Moriarty, bmwcats@yahoo.com Jim Shoffner, j.shoffner@sbcglobal.net |
Public Relations/New Technology | Russ Johnson, russellw.johnson@honeywell.com |
Women Chemists Committee | Margaret Stowell Levenberg, margyspec@comcast.net Teri Collins, tcato3@att.net |
Young Chemists Committee | Lacy Simons, lacy.simons@gmail.com |
Annual Report Committee | Avrom Litin, alitin@enthone.com |
Budget Director | Fran Kravitz, fk1456@sbcglobal.net |
Bylaws | Russ Johnson, russellw.johnson@honeywell.com |
Comptroller | Herb Golinkin, hgolinkin@msn.com Barb Moriarty (assistant), bmwcats@yahoo.com |
Editor, Chemical Bulletin | Cherlyn Bradley, cbrad1027@aol.com |
Long Range Planning | Susan Shih, susanmshih@att.net |
National Affairs | Avrom Litin, alitin@comcast.net |
Office Affairs | Susan Shih, susanmshih@att.net |
Policy | Avrom Litin, alitin@comcast.net |
Publications Business Manager | Avrom Litin, alitin@comcast.net |
Section Trustees | Ken Fivizzani (2011-13), kfivizzani@wowway.com Mark Kaiser (2012-14), mark.kaiser@honeywell.com Milt Levenberg (2013-15), milt@chicagoacs.net |
Pre-Dinner Speakers | Ken Fivizzani, kfivizzani@wowway.com |
Chemists Celebrate Earth Day | Mary Newberg, newberg@cod.edu Andrea Twiss-Brooks, |
Distinguished Service Award | Herb Golinkin, hgolinkin@sbcglobal.net |
Great Lakes Reg Meeting Representative | Susan Shih, susanmshih@att.net |
Project SEED | Kathy Mortell |
State Fair | Cherlyn Bradley, cbrad1027@aol.com |
Stieglitz Lecture | Josh Kurutz, jkurutz@alumni.caltech.edu Andrea Twiss-Brooks |
WebMaster | Milt Levenberg, milt@chicagoacs.net Josh Kurutz (assistant), jkurutz@alumni.caltech.edu |
Willard Gibbs Jurors | Mike Koehler, MGKoehler@ProAaCI.com |
Last updated 11/20/13 Copyright © 2009-2013, Chicago Section, The American Chemical Society |
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